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You should replace <serviceName> with the name of the service that you created to run your node. For instance, wardend, hedged, or 0gchain are the names of example services that are commonly used to operate nodes of corresponding projects.

Use your own <walletName> e.g. wardend keys add NGSolutions.

  1. Create New Text Proposal

    <serviceName> tx gov submit-proposal \
    --title "" \
    --description "" \
    --deposit 1000000<uToken> \
    --type Text \
    --from $WALLET \
    --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --fees 600<uToken> \
  2. Proposals List

    <serviceName> query gov proposals 
  3. View proposal

    <serviceName> query gov proposal <proposalID>
  4. Vote

    <serviceName> tx gov vote <proposalID> yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain --from $WALLET --chain-id <chainID>  --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --fees 600<uToken>